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Thursday, September 30, 2010

GSM(Global System for Mobile communication)

GSM(Global System for Mobile communication)
Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is a popular standard mobile phone system around the world. Today 80% of the global mobile market is covered by GSM and there are already 3 billion people across 212 countries and territories using it. So we can see the popularity of this technology. GSM is basically 2G (second generation) mobile system which is completely different from other predecessor technologies as both of its signaling and speech channels are digital. Enhanced Data Rates for GSM evolution (GSM EDGE) is a third generation (3G) version of protocol which will be launched soon. GSM mobiles consist of GPRS features and include a worldwide telephone number feature. It also has implemented Short Message Service (SMS) often called as text messaging.

Talking about the history of GSM, it was European ConferencGSM(Global System for Mobile communication)e of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), who first implemented the GSM technology for the first time all across Europe in the year 1982. At that time, it was called “Groupe Spécial Mobile” (GSM) carrying a motto to standardize common mobile services to all the people. Later, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) took over the GSM in the year 1989 and within 4-5 years form then, there were millions of users across several countries that had started using GSM technology.

  • Advantages & Disadvantages:
Listing out some of the advantages of GSM we have,
  1. GSM technology is one of the matured stable networks having robust features.
  2. There is few signal corrosion inside buildings. GSM(Global System for Mobile communication)
  3. GSM have the capability to use repeaters.
  4. As the transmission is of pulse nature, generally talk time is higher in GSM phones.
  5. The availability of Subscriber Identity Modules allows users to switch networks.
  6. International roaming is not a problem as GSM covers virtually all parts of the world.
  7. Globally, GSM handset makers, carriers and end users create better network due to involvement of bigger number of subscribers.
Listing out some of the disadvantages of GSM we have,
  1. Despite the fact that Pulse nature type of transmission is used, it is found interfering with some electronic audio amplifiers in 2G.
  2. Intellectual property is very intense among the existing manufacturers. So, there is less probability for the new developers to get an entrance.
  3. The cell site range in GSM technology is fixed and ranges only up to 35 km.

  • Security issues:
As in GSM, due to the use of radio frequencies for communication there is a high possibility of security threats from unauthorized users. This makes the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) very susceptible for eavesdropping of important information. These radio paths are easily accessible for those unknown users and hence can easily be hacked. Therefore, in order to control such possible threats, some security features have been implemented in PLMN.
GSM provides their subscriber with a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card which possesses unique identity for every user. This unique card consists of information such as service code, authentication key, user’s information, etc. which plays a very vital role. Since the data and speech as well as the communication between user and Base station (BST) are encrypted, GSM is regarded as secured mobile technology.

Hence, despite the various security features GSM may be still vulnerable to many threats. But, it can still be improved using some easy actions.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Types of Computers

I. Microcomputer:

A microcomputer is a computer that is physically small compared to mainframe and minicomputers. These constitute a single integrated microprocessor chip in its central processing unit.“All the improvements in cost and usability resulted in an explosion in their popularity during the late 1970s and early 1980s.” Some examples of microcomputers can be laptops, tablet PCs, modern desktop computers, mobile phones, pocket calculators, industrial embedded systems, video game consoles and many other hand held devices.

Applications of microcomputers are:
  • Playing games
  • For multimedia purposes
  • Used for home application

II. Minicomputer:

A minicomputer is that class of computers which lies in middle range between mainframe computer and microcomputers.“The first successful minicomputer was Digital Equipment Corporation’s 12-bit PDP-8, which cost from US$16,000 upwards when launched in 1964.”
Termed as midrange computers as it fulfils the needs of mid range organizations with its relatively high power and capacity.Can support up to 400 connected users at a same time.
It can also acts as server in a network environment.“Many of the first generation of PC programmers was educated on minicomputer systems.”

Applications of minicomputers are:
  • Used in small business firms.
  • For minor calculations of data.

III. Mainframe computer:

Mainframe computers are those computers which are used by large organizations to process huge amount of data.Acts as a server in a network environment.Powerful and high performance computer.It is also referred to as big iron. “Mainframes are defined by high availability, one of the main reasons for their longevity, because they are typically used in applications where downtime would be costly or catastrophic. Hence, the term Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) is a defining characteristic of mainframe computers.”
“Mainframes have the ability to run (or host) multiple operating systems, and thereby operate not as a single computer but as a number of virtual machines.”
Since it is used as a massive storage the data is stored in giga-records or tera-records.
“Mainframes are designed to handle very high volume input and output (I/O) and emphasize throughput computing.”

Applications of mainframe computers are:
  • Used in large scale organizations or enterprises.
  • Can be used as a server as well.

IV. Super computer:

It was first introduced in 1960’s.Cray Jaguar (2009) is the fastest super computer till date.
Super computers are those which are far more advanced than any other computers due to its high processing capacity and speed of calculations.Due to its features it has a very high cost.
This type of computer can process over 64 billions of instruction in seconds.

Applications of super computer are:
  • Nuclear energy research
  • Petroleum exploration
  • Weather forecasting

V. Laptops:

A laptop is a portable personal computer that is small and light enough to be fitted comfortably in a person’s lap.As compared to the desktop computers, laptops are rechargeable and it may give a battery backup to almost 2 or 3 hours depending upon power configuration.
“Normally laptops have thicknesses between 0.7–1.5 inches (18–38 mm) and dimensions ranging from 10x8 inches (27x22cm, 13" display) to 15x11 inches (39x28cm, 17" display) and up”
Also nowadays, laptops are very popular amongst people because of the following reasons:-
• Portable and can be used anywhere.
• Immediacy as anyone can have instant access to information at anytime.
• Due to Wi-Fi wireless network, it enables the users to have easier connectivity anytime.
• It is much quieter compared to desktop computers as it produces less heat and hence consists of few and slow cooling fans.
• It consumes low power and since it can be charged it is not affected by short power interruptions and blackouts.
• Has all in one feature as sound box, keyboard, touchpad, webcam are all inbuilt.

Some of the renowned manufacturers of laptops are Acer, Apple, Lenovo, Hp, Dell, Toshiba, Samsung, Sony, Asus, LG, etc.

Applications of laptops are:
  • Used at offices, colleges for presentation purposes.
  • Alternative for a desktop computer.


As we know there are basically four types of network topologies which are studied in computer networking which are enlisted below:-

  • Bus topology
  • Ring topology
  • Star topology
  • Mesh topology

But before going thoroughly through these network topologies, we should know about computer network.
Computer network is interconnection of collection of computers and other devices connected by a communication channels like (UTP cables, Co-axial cables, etc.) allowing users to share data and information within a network i.e. LAN or WAN.
Now let us go briefly on all the topologies mentioned above.

BUS TOPOLOGY– In this type of topology, a single trunk or backbone communication medium is used to connect all the networking devices. 10Base-2 and 10Base-5 are common Ethernet cables used in this topology.
  • Merits- Easy to install, require less cable as only a main share cable is used for entire networking.
  • Demerits- Difficult to troubleshoot, network disruption is likely to occur when computer peripherals are added or removed since the entire network is connected by a single media, not only this if the main wire fails then the entire network becomes unusable.

RING TOPOLOGY – In this topology, the entire network is based on a circular or ring dimension which means that every computer or devices has two adjacent neighbors for communication purposes. Data may travel in clockwise or anti clockwise direction.
  • Merits- troubleshooting is easy as cable faults can easily be located, moderately easy installation.
  • Demerits- Failure in the cable or devices may result in the break down of the entire network.
To implement ring topology FDDI, SONET, Token Ring etc can be used. This type of topology can be found in small buildings, offices and schools.

STAR TOPOLOGY- Most commonly used topology in LAN. In this all the computers are connected to each other with a central device like hub, switch or router. These networking devices are connected to using UTP or STP cables.

  • Merits- Easy to troubleshoot, Failure in the cable won’t take down the entire network, easily expandable without disruption.
  • Demerits- require more cables, difficult to implement, failure in the central hub may collapse the entire network.

MESH TOPOLOGY- Uses the concept of routes. In this topology, every device is connected to each other and the messages sent through this network can take any possible shortest path to reach its destination despite the cable or device malfunctions.

  • Merits- Multiple paths are available.
  • Demerits- complicated wiring, high cost, and more cables needed compared to other topologies.
Among all the above topologies, I think star topology would be suitable because of its performances. It is one of the most commonly used LAN topologies as it is easy to troubleshoot, easily expandable and easy installation.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

  • Introduction:
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)WAP stands for Wireless Application protocol and it is used for wireless application.” Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an open international standard for application-layer network communications in a wireless-communication environment. Most use of WAP involves accessing the mobile web from a mobile phone or from a PDA.”

A WAP browser works similarly as the computer’s web browser. The only difference is that it maintains the browser & fits the miniature web pages in the small mobile screen. Any user can connect to Website which is written or converted in Wireless Markup Language (WML) and access through WAP browser. This protocol was designed to simplify how wireless users access electronic and voice mail, send and receive faxes, make stock trades and conduct banking transactions.
Talking about the history of WAP, we see that the initial WAP forum was designed in the year 1997 aiming to create a standardized protocol. But later in the year 2002 initial WAP forum was fused into Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). Then many versions of WAp were launched some of them are listed below:
• WAP 1.X- it included a series of WAP which were WAP 1.0 standard (1998), WAP 1.1 (1999) & WAP 1.2 being the final version of the WAP 1.X series (2000).
• WAP Push- it was special encoded message which inluded a link to the WAP address.
• WAP 2.0- This version was released in the year 2002 and it used a cut-down version of XHTML with end-to-end HTTP.

  • Features of WAP:
There may be many limitations when we compare a mobile network and a fixed network. But the mobile network also has some unique features of personalizing and positioning of the devices which the WAP language strongly supports. Wireless Telephony Application (WTA) component provided by telephony integration allows integrating a call in any WAP application. Thus WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)with the help of this the user can make a call from the application without exiting the application.
  • Applications of WAP:
WAP services have limited information for now but
later if higher speeds become available then the technological matters that are specific to WAP can be resolute. Some of the interesting applications of WAP are as follWAP (Wireless Application Protocol)ows:
  1. For infotainment which include weather forecasts, horoscopes, news etc.
  2. For messaging and other services like e-mail, voicemail.
  3. For services such as call management to modify the personal information.
  4. For services related to finance i.e. mobile banking services.
  5. For services especially based on locations to get mapping and location information.
  • Security Issues of WAP:
WAP is a modified form for the earlier handheld devices markup language. WAP intends to operate over any other wireless transmission technologies like GSM, CDMA etc. the security related to WAP is called Wireless Transport Layer Security Specification ( WTLS) which is based on TCP/IP counterpart. There has always been a security threat for a wireless network as anyone can access it. So the basic needs like encryption and authentication is always necessary. Hence, implementing WTLS in PDAs and integrating it with security sys tem such as PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) can be taken as reasonable security terms.

  • Future Aspects of WAP:
    WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
The future of WAP is really much depends upon the consum ers hands on whether the consumers use WAP devices to access the web or use some o ther technologies. Due to low bandwidth & limited input ability, the future of WAP is truly a matter of concern. In upcoming years due to the evolution of 2.5G/3G system, it will facilitate the s ubscribers with much higher data rates and capacity with high bandwidth capabilities. Actually WAP was designed for low power consumption, small screens, for wide scalability over bearers and alternating coverage which are still applicable in 2.5G and 3G networks. The point is that WAP is just an application for web browsing in smart phones but it cannot be considered directly as a web in mobiles.
”WAP is great as long as developers understand that what are inside the applications that matters, and the perceived value of the content to the user.”

  • Advantages & Disadvantages:
WAP supports most wireless technologies like CDMA, GSM, TDMA, FLEX etc. Also many operating systems like palm OS, Windows CE also prefer the use of WAP. Hence, some advantages of WAP are as follows:
  1. It offers standardization to link the PDAs and mobile phones to internet.
  2. Standardization between carriers is being created as many companies join the WAP communication forum.
  3. Certain changes in some parts of the protocol can be done without affecting the existing devices.

Well, there are some disadvantages of WAP also which are discussed below:
  1. Expensive
  2. There are other protocols in the already in the market like SIM Application toolkit which are designed to replace WAP.
  3. DUE to the different parameters required by the new services, it is difficult to configure new WAP services in WAP enabled phones.

Thus, WAPs are designed basically for handheld devices with low memory and low bandwidth. With the emergence of new technologies, time will decide the survival of the WAP in the consumer’s market.

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)

  • Introduction:
GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service. It is a network standard based on a packet data-switching technology. In general, GPRS is a packet oriented mobile data services for 2G communication system i.e. GSM as well as 3G communication system. It operates similarly to the wire-line networking protocols like Ethernet by switching packets of data across its route on a wireless network. Today most of the mobiles are Wi-Fi enabled, but before all the users used GPRS to get access to the internet through their mobile phones.
Actually the main theory of its mechanism is that it uses the unused portion of GSM bandwidth so as to sent or receive packets. It is somewhat similar to those conventional connections, but it doesn’t guarantee a certain level of QoS (Quality of service) to the users which the conventional connection does guarantee. GPRS data speed ranges from 56 kbps being the average to about 114 kbps being the highest offering a continuous connection to the mobiles and computer users. “It was originally standardized by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), but now by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).”
GPRS provides services as much as other network operators like CDMA, GSM etc offer. But the thing is that it gives the users an increased bandwidth in an effective cost so as the user can remain connected constantly and get acess to internet. It uses packet data transmission to connect with Internet Protocol (IP) based services which enables the use of radio spectrum resulting in high data speed. Using GPRS gives instantaneous connection set-up and it does not need to dial up as in home or office network. Since it effectively utilizes the available radio bandwidth, its services costs much less thn that of the circuit switched services.
GPRS offers provides a lot of services to the users , some of which are :
  1. Internet is accessible anytime
  2. Multimedia messaging service (MMS)
  3. Push to talk over cellular (PoC/PTT)
  4. Instant messaging and presence—wireless village
  5. Internet applications through wireless application protocol (WAP)
  6. Point-to-point (P2P) service

In most cases, we get confused between GSM and GPRS. GPRS is just a packet based service that is delivered as a network overlay for GSM. Hence, the following key features provides an idea of how GPRS is different from GSM.
  1. GPRS has high bandwidth and hence high data speed.
  2. It supports both Internet Protocol and X.25.
  3. It provides continuous acess to the internet i.e. “Always On”
  4. It prefers packets-basesd switching rather than circuit switching which means that bandwidth and network resourses area used only at the time of transmission.
  5. Provides additional components to the GSM network.

The download speed and upload speed measures in GPRS depends upon the factors like no. of BTS (Base transceiver Station) TDMA (Time Division multiple Access) time slots assigned by operators itself. The side table shows the various speed limits with its respective coding schemes.

Coding Speed

CS-1 8.0
CS-2 12.0
CS-3 14.4
CS-4 20.0

  • Applications of GPRS:
GPRS provides unique services to its subscriber. These services have unique characteristics valuing its customer which include,
  1. Mobility- for constant flow of data communication
  2. Immediacy- allows getting connectivity when needed, anytime.
  3. Localization- allows getting information regarding the current location.

With such characteristics, a wide range of applications can be provided to the mobile subscribers which are enlisted below:
  1. For various means of communications like email, intranet/internet access, fax etc.
  2. In the field of E-commerce like ticket purchasing, banking transactions etc.
  3. For vertical application i.e. for fleet management, freight delivery etc.
  4. For advertisement purposes.
  5. For location based application i.e. to find specific locations, schedules etc.
  6. GPRS can also be used to send Short Message Service (SMS).

  • Advantages & Disadvantages:
GPRS is the technology that brought mobile users out of the world of WAP and introduced internet services in mobiles. With the help of this huge amount of data could send and received through the internet. Hence, listing some of its advantages we have,

  1. GPRS enabled mobiles can be a medium of portable internet connection. Places where internet is not accessible, GPRS can be of very importance. These mobiles can be used as a modem and connect to the laptops.
  2. Another advantage of it is its great backup option and portability.

Well there are some drawbacks as well in GPRS technology which we cannot deny. Summarizing the disadvantages we have:

  1. Since cellular network GSM’s band is used to transmit data, any other activities like making a call is not possible while data transfer.
  2. GPRS downloads are done in Megabytes and kilobytes. So the users do have to pay the download charges resulting in the huge fee to be paid every month.

Therefore, GPRS in near future will promote more integrated services to connect wireless networks with public or corporate networks. It is also paving its way towards 3G which enables very high speed compared to the present.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Bluetooth technology is a short range wireless communication system that creates a Personal Area Network (PAN) for exchanging data from fixed or mobile devBluetoothices over short distances. This license free protocol uses low power technology and is very cheap. This wireless technology was intended to replace the RS-232 data cables with its wireless connectivity such that it could connect several devices, overcoming the problem of synchronization.
Looking back at the history of how Bluetooth came into existence, we see that the term Bluetooth was a modified form of Danish word Blåtand, the epithet of tenth-century king Harald I of Denmark who united several tribes of Denmark and Norway into a single kingdom. Similar to what the king Harald I Bluetooth did, Bluetooth of today unites all the communication protocols into one universal standard.
“Bluetooth logo is of bluish structure that has bind rune merging the Germanic runes (Hagall) and (Berkanan).

  • Implementation & applications:
Bluetooth basically helps to connect and transfer data between devices such as laptops, mobiles, Global Positioning System (GPS), PC, digital cameras etc through a 2.4 Gigahertz short range Bluetoothradio frequency. With the help of special type of radio technology called frequency-hopping spread spectrum, it cuts down the data being sent and piles them to 79 other frequencies. Normally it can achieve a data at the rate of 1 Megabits/s.”The Bluetooth specifications are developed and licensed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) which comprises of various companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking, and consumer electronics.”
Since it uses open system protocol, the devices do not have to be in a line of sight of each other. Rather its practice depends upon the range kept between the devices. Here, different classes are maintained with their specific ranges like class A-100m, class B-10m & class C-1m. As it is designed for low power consumption, specific power parameters are assigned for the different classes.
There are numerous applications Bluetoothof Bluetooth and some of them are discussed below:
  1. For wireless game controllers of seventh–generation game consoles like PSP, PS-3 etc
  2. For low bandwidth application where cable-less connection is desired.
  3. As a replacement for wired connection devices in barcode scanner, traffic control devices etc.
  4. For wireless communication between input and output devices in a computer which include mouse, keyboard etc.
  5. For wireless communication between mobile and hands-free headset.
  6. For sending small advertisements through Bluetooth-enabled hoardings to other devices in range.
  7. For transferring files, reminders, contact details etc between devices with the help of OBEX.
  8. As a replacement for infrareds.

  • Merits and Demerits:
There are numerous advantages of Bluetooth technology due to its popularity these days. Nowadays people want everything to be simpler and easier to which Bluetooth has proved it. Talking about some of its advantages then,Bluetooth
  1. Bluetooth provides freedom from cables and simplicity in networking.
  2. It has highly benefitted the wireless mode of connections.
  3. Devices can be connected and data can be transferred even if the devices are not in the line of sight to each other.
  4. Consumes low power.

Apart from its advantages it also has some disadvantages which are enlisted below:
  1. Security threats and attacks are mostly seen due to greater range and radio frequency. Since it is a wireless communication anyone can access it if proper security is not maintained.
  2. Spreading of viruses is most common in mobiles through Bluetooth.
  3. Another downside of Bluetooth is it data rate. It provides data rates of 1 Mbps whereas infrared provides data rate up to 4 mbps which is a fast rate for data transfer.

Despite the disadvantages, Bluetooth is still the best amongst the short range wireless technology and this will be more advanced in upcoming years.

  • Security:
As it is a wireless technology, there are maximum chances of threat attacks. Being an open system protocol, there is always a thought for security concern. Hence, different levels of security are maintained in order to neutralize those threats coming from unidentified devices. Car whisperer, blue bugging, blue jacking are some of the security threats seen.
Future Aspects:
Due to the positive features of Bluetooth, today most devices are Bluetooth enabled. This technology has brought about some revolutionary change in this modern era. In near future, Bluetooth technology would be looking forward in improving its facilities more to ease the users. Hence, some of the prospects of Bluetooth are enlisted below:
  1. To improve the (QoS) services which enables high speed and quality of audio and video data transmission of data.
  2. To manage the topology so that automatic configuration of network topologies can take places easily.
  3. To implement the broadcast channel so that information can be accessed easily with the help of Bluetooth information points placed at various spots.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Benefits and positive aspects

There are numerous advantagBenefits and positive aspectses of listening to music and especially listening to a good music. Listening to a fine and soulful music helps greatly in changing your mood and attaining self improvement. It can also be a way of motivation and inspiration for depressed and hopeless people. Listening to a good music makes an individual highly motivational and spiritual. Also listening to some fine music while attaining your daily household tasks gives one a great feeling of relief and comfort. You will never feel the burden of the work and you will enjoy working while listening to your favorites. On the whole music certainly cools and changes your state of mind. It gives you a great feeling of relief. It makes you more happy and relaxed.

A huge application of music in the field of medical science is music therapy. Numerous illnesses are more easily cured due to the effect of music therapy. First of all it can be used to increase intelligence and memory in an individual. Various researches and experiments have shown that it helps in increasing creativity, thinking power and intelligence. It stimulates creativity by creating various channels of neurons in the brain. On the Benefits and positive aspectsother hand it also helps in fighting various diseases that are vulnerable and quiet incurable like cancer and many more. It is also widely used to help patients fight depression and acts as a pain killer as it eases pain and helps to cope with it. On the whole it can have a positive impact on both the mind, soul and the body.

Now talking about the impact of the therapy with the brain, researchers have found out many positive results. With respect to brain waves, a strong music with a strong feel and beat can help to increase concentration power and better our thinking power by promoting calm and a meditative state. As in the case of a healthy body, it can alter the heart rate and breathing process and improve relaxation by improving heart beats and causing slower and relaxed breathing. So, it plays a huge role in the promotion of all-round health. it is highly influential in creating a positive mindset and increasing the levels of optimism and creativity in an individual's mind which finally acts as a critical factor that in turn helps the body to fight diseases and stay healthy. Based on the various researches conducted, the genre of music or type also seems to have a particular effect on the mind. Exposure to classical music seems to have some positive impact on the students where it improves mental processes and helps the students to increase their memory power.

Types of musical instruments

Talking about the types of musical instruments, there are numerous which is based on the type or genre of music from classical to metal, their fusions, sub-genres and so on. Basically listing the types of musical instruments, an orchestra seems to include almost all the musical instruments. So, based on an orchestra generally four sections of musical instruments can be listed depending on how they are use and each of these sections contain a number of instruments.

They are as follows:
Types of musical instruments
1. Strings
The strings section includes the following instruments:
• Cello
• Double Bass
• Guitar
• Viola
• Violin
• sitar

2. Woodwind
The Woodwind section includes the following instruments:
• Bassoon
• Clarinet
• FluteTypes of musical instruments
• Oboe
• Recorder
• Saxophone

3. Brass
The Brass section includes the following instruments:
• Cornet
• French Horn
• Trombone
• Trumpet
• Tuba

4. Percussion
The percussion section includes the following instruments:Types of musical instruments
• Cymbals
• Drums
• Piano
• Tambourine
• Triangle

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Music Technology

The application of varMusic Technologyious electronic devices and computer software in order to facilitate playback, recording, composition, storage and performance is known as music technology. On the whole all forms of technology and system associated with music or musical arts is music technology. Music technology is a very popular subject today. It is taught in many more colleges and universities. Moreover, another important feature of music technology is that it includes the technical, logical and scientific aspects of the music such as skill, acoustic science, programming, music psychology and sociology and especially in the field of commercial business. Today many more new sounds are being created using new music technology inventions in modern experimental musical instruments.

Till today, people are continually working to develop various forms of expression through music and also creating new devices to assist them in the job. As a matter of fact, the concept of music technology is intimately associated to both technological and musical creativity due to which our definition of music technology must be continually expanded of what it includes. But the term music technology is most commonly used to define modern electronic devices. For example, a keyboard, piano or a guitar can be defined as the materials of music technology. But the term being referred to only electronic devices is disregarded in today’s computer era. This is due to the reason that the ontological range of music technology has significantly increased. It can now be defined in a mechanical, electronic, software or even conceptual point of view.

Now talking about the application of software in music technology, SMusic Technologyequencer software is perhaps the most widely-used form of software music technology. It allows a user to record audio, voices or MIDI musical sequences, which is then ordered along a time line. Using this software, also musical data and segments can be copied and duplicated as per will. It can also be edited and processed using a variety of audio effects and reproduced. Another important point to be noted is Music technology and sound technology. Both of them is associated with the use of sound engineering for leisure or for business purposes. They may be classified and defined in a similar manner but actually refer to different fields of work where sound engineering is chiefly associated with the use of sound technology for media and other logical purposes.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


MusicMusic is a very important part of our life. Like other art forms it is also a form of a art where sound acts as the medium. Now talking about fundamental elements and materials which make up music, it comprises of pitch,rhythm,dynamics and timbre and texture qualities depending upon the form of music. The pitch is associated with the melody and tune of a music that can be high pitched or low pitched. To give a very simple example of pitch, you can take the roaring of a lion as a low pitched sound whereas the buzzing of a mosquito as a high pitched sound. The rhythm factor deals with the tempo,meter and expression of music about what should be the speed of the song. the timbre and texture is the quality of the music or the voice quality of one's sound.

Music has many aspects,features and significance. It's definition can vary very vastly depending upon their creator or composer or how it is treated in a cultural and social context or the way an individual looks at it or interprets it. In short, we can say it has many forms. Music can also be divided into genres and sub-genres. A particular genre of music may have sub-genres or none. but the distinguishing features between the genres of music and their relationships are often not very clear and can prove to be controversial. But on the whole, music can be defined and classified as a special or a performing art and also a fine art which provides a soothing effect on many people around the globe and even to some animals. Like for example some animals like parrot and others seem to be affected by a particular type of music and they react to it.

Depending upon the way of music people follow and the culture, on the whole it is an important way of life to many people. Precisely, music is also defined as tones that are arranged horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies by the Greek and the ancient Indian philosophers. As said earlier, the definition of music depends upon it's interpretation by an individual, or a culture and can be controversial. A particular type or a genre of a music can prove to be a pleasant music to an individual or a society and at the same time it can be a noise or an irritating sound for other people. Any sound that is pleasant to listen to can be defined a music whereas an irritating sound which is unpleasant to listen to is a noise. A pleasant music for one may prove to be a noise for the other and vice-versa. For example, talking about the rock and classical genre of a music: to many people or group that are used to listening to classical genre and prefer it, the rock genre even-though organized may prove to be an irritating sound for them. At the same time for the people that are used to rock music and specially young people, it can be a pleasant music and a source of inspiration and motivation for them whereas a classical music may prove to be a torture for them. But there maybe many who prefer both the genre and listen to it. However the above two genres of music are just a simple example to show the definition of music according to it's interpretation. There are many more music genres and it's sub-genres and it can either be liked or disliked by a person depending upon their choice.

Music is preferred by almost all the people and there may be very few that doesn't love music. The choice of music of course depends upon the individual. On the whole it provides a very soothing effect on an individual. To many victims and patients and hopeless people, it has proved to be a source of inspiration and motivation for them and even better their health conditions. So music is an integral part of our life and it would be almost next to impossible to live without music.

In short, music is life.
