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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


MusicMusic is a very important part of our life. Like other art forms it is also a form of a art where sound acts as the medium. Now talking about fundamental elements and materials which make up music, it comprises of pitch,rhythm,dynamics and timbre and texture qualities depending upon the form of music. The pitch is associated with the melody and tune of a music that can be high pitched or low pitched. To give a very simple example of pitch, you can take the roaring of a lion as a low pitched sound whereas the buzzing of a mosquito as a high pitched sound. The rhythm factor deals with the tempo,meter and expression of music about what should be the speed of the song. the timbre and texture is the quality of the music or the voice quality of one's sound.

Music has many aspects,features and significance. It's definition can vary very vastly depending upon their creator or composer or how it is treated in a cultural and social context or the way an individual looks at it or interprets it. In short, we can say it has many forms. Music can also be divided into genres and sub-genres. A particular genre of music may have sub-genres or none. but the distinguishing features between the genres of music and their relationships are often not very clear and can prove to be controversial. But on the whole, music can be defined and classified as a special or a performing art and also a fine art which provides a soothing effect on many people around the globe and even to some animals. Like for example some animals like parrot and others seem to be affected by a particular type of music and they react to it.

Depending upon the way of music people follow and the culture, on the whole it is an important way of life to many people. Precisely, music is also defined as tones that are arranged horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies by the Greek and the ancient Indian philosophers. As said earlier, the definition of music depends upon it's interpretation by an individual, or a culture and can be controversial. A particular type or a genre of a music can prove to be a pleasant music to an individual or a society and at the same time it can be a noise or an irritating sound for other people. Any sound that is pleasant to listen to can be defined a music whereas an irritating sound which is unpleasant to listen to is a noise. A pleasant music for one may prove to be a noise for the other and vice-versa. For example, talking about the rock and classical genre of a music: to many people or group that are used to listening to classical genre and prefer it, the rock genre even-though organized may prove to be an irritating sound for them. At the same time for the people that are used to rock music and specially young people, it can be a pleasant music and a source of inspiration and motivation for them whereas a classical music may prove to be a torture for them. But there maybe many who prefer both the genre and listen to it. However the above two genres of music are just a simple example to show the definition of music according to it's interpretation. There are many more music genres and it's sub-genres and it can either be liked or disliked by a person depending upon their choice.

Music is preferred by almost all the people and there may be very few that doesn't love music. The choice of music of course depends upon the individual. On the whole it provides a very soothing effect on an individual. To many victims and patients and hopeless people, it has proved to be a source of inspiration and motivation for them and even better their health conditions. So music is an integral part of our life and it would be almost next to impossible to live without music.

In short, music is life.


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