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Saturday, September 25, 2010


Bluetooth technology is a short range wireless communication system that creates a Personal Area Network (PAN) for exchanging data from fixed or mobile devBluetoothices over short distances. This license free protocol uses low power technology and is very cheap. This wireless technology was intended to replace the RS-232 data cables with its wireless connectivity such that it could connect several devices, overcoming the problem of synchronization.
Looking back at the history of how Bluetooth came into existence, we see that the term Bluetooth was a modified form of Danish word Blåtand, the epithet of tenth-century king Harald I of Denmark who united several tribes of Denmark and Norway into a single kingdom. Similar to what the king Harald I Bluetooth did, Bluetooth of today unites all the communication protocols into one universal standard.
“Bluetooth logo is of bluish structure that has bind rune merging the Germanic runes (Hagall) and (Berkanan).

  • Implementation & applications:
Bluetooth basically helps to connect and transfer data between devices such as laptops, mobiles, Global Positioning System (GPS), PC, digital cameras etc through a 2.4 Gigahertz short range Bluetoothradio frequency. With the help of special type of radio technology called frequency-hopping spread spectrum, it cuts down the data being sent and piles them to 79 other frequencies. Normally it can achieve a data at the rate of 1 Megabits/s.”The Bluetooth specifications are developed and licensed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) which comprises of various companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking, and consumer electronics.”
Since it uses open system protocol, the devices do not have to be in a line of sight of each other. Rather its practice depends upon the range kept between the devices. Here, different classes are maintained with their specific ranges like class A-100m, class B-10m & class C-1m. As it is designed for low power consumption, specific power parameters are assigned for the different classes.
There are numerous applications Bluetoothof Bluetooth and some of them are discussed below:
  1. For wireless game controllers of seventh–generation game consoles like PSP, PS-3 etc
  2. For low bandwidth application where cable-less connection is desired.
  3. As a replacement for wired connection devices in barcode scanner, traffic control devices etc.
  4. For wireless communication between input and output devices in a computer which include mouse, keyboard etc.
  5. For wireless communication between mobile and hands-free headset.
  6. For sending small advertisements through Bluetooth-enabled hoardings to other devices in range.
  7. For transferring files, reminders, contact details etc between devices with the help of OBEX.
  8. As a replacement for infrareds.

  • Merits and Demerits:
There are numerous advantages of Bluetooth technology due to its popularity these days. Nowadays people want everything to be simpler and easier to which Bluetooth has proved it. Talking about some of its advantages then,Bluetooth
  1. Bluetooth provides freedom from cables and simplicity in networking.
  2. It has highly benefitted the wireless mode of connections.
  3. Devices can be connected and data can be transferred even if the devices are not in the line of sight to each other.
  4. Consumes low power.

Apart from its advantages it also has some disadvantages which are enlisted below:
  1. Security threats and attacks are mostly seen due to greater range and radio frequency. Since it is a wireless communication anyone can access it if proper security is not maintained.
  2. Spreading of viruses is most common in mobiles through Bluetooth.
  3. Another downside of Bluetooth is it data rate. It provides data rates of 1 Mbps whereas infrared provides data rate up to 4 mbps which is a fast rate for data transfer.

Despite the disadvantages, Bluetooth is still the best amongst the short range wireless technology and this will be more advanced in upcoming years.

  • Security:
As it is a wireless technology, there are maximum chances of threat attacks. Being an open system protocol, there is always a thought for security concern. Hence, different levels of security are maintained in order to neutralize those threats coming from unidentified devices. Car whisperer, blue bugging, blue jacking are some of the security threats seen.
Future Aspects:
Due to the positive features of Bluetooth, today most devices are Bluetooth enabled. This technology has brought about some revolutionary change in this modern era. In near future, Bluetooth technology would be looking forward in improving its facilities more to ease the users. Hence, some of the prospects of Bluetooth are enlisted below:
  1. To improve the (QoS) services which enables high speed and quality of audio and video data transmission of data.
  2. To manage the topology so that automatic configuration of network topologies can take places easily.
  3. To implement the broadcast channel so that information can be accessed easily with the help of Bluetooth information points placed at various spots.


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