
lijit search

Monday, September 27, 2010


As we know there are basically four types of network topologies which are studied in computer networking which are enlisted below:-

  • Bus topology
  • Ring topology
  • Star topology
  • Mesh topology

But before going thoroughly through these network topologies, we should know about computer network.
Computer network is interconnection of collection of computers and other devices connected by a communication channels like (UTP cables, Co-axial cables, etc.) allowing users to share data and information within a network i.e. LAN or WAN.
Now let us go briefly on all the topologies mentioned above.

BUS TOPOLOGY– In this type of topology, a single trunk or backbone communication medium is used to connect all the networking devices. 10Base-2 and 10Base-5 are common Ethernet cables used in this topology.
  • Merits- Easy to install, require less cable as only a main share cable is used for entire networking.
  • Demerits- Difficult to troubleshoot, network disruption is likely to occur when computer peripherals are added or removed since the entire network is connected by a single media, not only this if the main wire fails then the entire network becomes unusable.

RING TOPOLOGY – In this topology, the entire network is based on a circular or ring dimension which means that every computer or devices has two adjacent neighbors for communication purposes. Data may travel in clockwise or anti clockwise direction.
  • Merits- troubleshooting is easy as cable faults can easily be located, moderately easy installation.
  • Demerits- Failure in the cable or devices may result in the break down of the entire network.
To implement ring topology FDDI, SONET, Token Ring etc can be used. This type of topology can be found in small buildings, offices and schools.

STAR TOPOLOGY- Most commonly used topology in LAN. In this all the computers are connected to each other with a central device like hub, switch or router. These networking devices are connected to using UTP or STP cables.

  • Merits- Easy to troubleshoot, Failure in the cable won’t take down the entire network, easily expandable without disruption.
  • Demerits- require more cables, difficult to implement, failure in the central hub may collapse the entire network.

MESH TOPOLOGY- Uses the concept of routes. In this topology, every device is connected to each other and the messages sent through this network can take any possible shortest path to reach its destination despite the cable or device malfunctions.

  • Merits- Multiple paths are available.
  • Demerits- complicated wiring, high cost, and more cables needed compared to other topologies.
Among all the above topologies, I think star topology would be suitable because of its performances. It is one of the most commonly used LAN topologies as it is easy to troubleshoot, easily expandable and easy installation.


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