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Monday, September 6, 2010

Benefits and positive aspects

There are numerous advantagBenefits and positive aspectses of listening to music and especially listening to a good music. Listening to a fine and soulful music helps greatly in changing your mood and attaining self improvement. It can also be a way of motivation and inspiration for depressed and hopeless people. Listening to a good music makes an individual highly motivational and spiritual. Also listening to some fine music while attaining your daily household tasks gives one a great feeling of relief and comfort. You will never feel the burden of the work and you will enjoy working while listening to your favorites. On the whole music certainly cools and changes your state of mind. It gives you a great feeling of relief. It makes you more happy and relaxed.

A huge application of music in the field of medical science is music therapy. Numerous illnesses are more easily cured due to the effect of music therapy. First of all it can be used to increase intelligence and memory in an individual. Various researches and experiments have shown that it helps in increasing creativity, thinking power and intelligence. It stimulates creativity by creating various channels of neurons in the brain. On the Benefits and positive aspectsother hand it also helps in fighting various diseases that are vulnerable and quiet incurable like cancer and many more. It is also widely used to help patients fight depression and acts as a pain killer as it eases pain and helps to cope with it. On the whole it can have a positive impact on both the mind, soul and the body.

Now talking about the impact of the therapy with the brain, researchers have found out many positive results. With respect to brain waves, a strong music with a strong feel and beat can help to increase concentration power and better our thinking power by promoting calm and a meditative state. As in the case of a healthy body, it can alter the heart rate and breathing process and improve relaxation by improving heart beats and causing slower and relaxed breathing. So, it plays a huge role in the promotion of all-round health. it is highly influential in creating a positive mindset and increasing the levels of optimism and creativity in an individual's mind which finally acts as a critical factor that in turn helps the body to fight diseases and stay healthy. Based on the various researches conducted, the genre of music or type also seems to have a particular effect on the mind. Exposure to classical music seems to have some positive impact on the students where it improves mental processes and helps the students to increase their memory power.


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